Live Hack: Exploiting AI-Generated Code

July 25, 2024 | 11am - 12:30pm ET | 4pm - 5:30pm BST

In this session, we will dive into the realm of AI-assisted coding tools, specifically GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT, exposing both their potential and inherent security risks.

Join us to:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI in development and the prevalent security risks associated with AI-generated code
  • Use GitHub Copilot to build a conference demo app, featuring a dynamic homepage, searchable product catalog, and personalized user profiles
  • Uncover and exploit vulnerabilities within the AI-generated code, showcasing real-world threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, directory traversal, and more.
  • Gain actionable insights into effective strategies for mitigating and fixing AI-generated vulnerabilities.
  • Explore the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs, which offers a framework to address generative AI security challenges.

Plus, members of ISC(2) will receive CPE credit for attending this session live.

Save Your Spot

By the end of the session, you will have accomplished the following:

  • Successfully built a demo app using AI-assisted coding tools.
  • Actively hacked and remediated at least three vulnerabilities.
  • Gained invaluable insights into best practices for securely using generative AI coding tools.

To make the most of this session, we recommend the following prerequisites:

  • ChatGPT account
  • GitHub Copilot account
  • Free Snyk account for enhanced security analysis
  • IDE of your choice (VS Code, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Jetbrains)

Date & Time

July 25, 2024
11am - 12:30pm ET | 4pm - 5:30pm BST



Micah Silverman

Dir. Developer Relations | Snyk

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Sonya Moisset

Staff Developer Advocate | Snyk

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