On-Demand Webinar

DevSecOps Insights:

A Puppet & Snyk Study

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Has your organization adopted DevSecOps? 81% of survey respondents believe developers are responsible for open source security

81% of security and development professionals believe developers are responsible for open source security - but many organizations are still unsure how to start building a culture and practice of DevSecOps.

Puppet & Snyk’s recently released study is digging deeper into the trends of DevSecOps adoption. Join us for a live webinar on January 30th at 11 am ET, with Snyk’s security advocate Alyssa Miller, and author and developer advocate, Liran Tal to hear their take on why:

  • 37% of companies still aren’t implementing any sort of security testing in CI
  • 79% still use manual security code reviews
  • Only 56% of organizations are testing for known vulnerabilities in open source dependencies


Liran Tal

Liran Tal is a Developer Advocate at Snyk and a member of the Node.js Security working group. He is a JSHeroes ambassador, passionate about building communities and the open source movement and greatly enjoys pizza, wine, web technologies, and CLIs. Liran is also the author of Essential Node.js Security, a core contributor to OWASP NodeGoat project and loves to dabble about code, testing, and software philosophy.

Alyssa Miller

Alyssa Miller is a hacker, security evangelist, professional, and public speaker with over 15 years of experience in cyber security. She believes that in today’s inter-connected world, protecting privacy and building trust with secure systems are critical to protecting our way of life. As a result, she discusses real-world issues that that affect people both within and outside the security community.