Snyk in 30: Live Democast

Cloud native development has changed the way developers both build and secure applications. It’s more important than ever for apps to remain secure through their entire development lifecycle – but without impacting dev teams’ ability to innovate with efficiency. One way to balance these needs is to approach security from a dev point of view.

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This live demo will demonstrate how Snyk’s cloud native application security platform is designed to work like a developer tool, all while enabling one continuous feedback loop between dev and security personnel.

This makes it easy to not only find security issues in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, and infrastructure as code, but fix them quickly. See why millions of developers choose to use Snyk to build securely. You'll learn:

    • How developers can secure proprietary code, open source libraries, container images, and IaC deployments
    • How to utilize automatic pull requests in a matter of seconds
    • How security teams can manage visibility throughout the SD/LC

Featured Speaker:

Daniel Berman

Director, Product Marketing | Snyk

Learn more about Snyk

Automatically find and fix vulnerabilities throughout your SDLC workflow