Using reachability and other factors in Snyk's Risk-based prioritization

This session explored the challenges associated with traditional reachability calculations and how they can hinder efficient vulnerability remediation. We introduced Snyk's DeepCode AI as a powerful solution that addresses these issues by providing accurate and timely reachability analysis.

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In this session, we discussed how reachability, valuable as it is, is just one of many risk factors that are useful for prioritizing remediation efforts:
  • Is the app reachable from the external network or is it purely used by internal services?
  • Is the app critical to your business? Processing sensitive data?
  • Is there an exploit available in the wild that's creating buzz in social media?
We explained how Snyk brings all that information together, allowing you to get down to the 1% of issues that must be fixed and showcase not only Snyk's reachability analysis, but also how it combines reachability with over 15 other risk factors to provide an in-depth risk score for vulnerabilities, which you can easily use to focus your remediation efforts.



Ryan Searle

Director, Product

Management, Snyk


Catinca Dobrescu-Balaur,

Senior Product

Manager, Snyk

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