Snyk Demo: Securing the Software Supply Chain

Modern applications are more assembled than built leading to a more complex software supply chain. As the speed of development increases, developer teams are finding shortcuts to deliver applications faster, including the use of third party open source components. Approximately 60-80% of an application might be made up of Open Source components!

With an increase in open source adoption comes a significant increase in third-party risk, making it essential to maintain a software bill of materials (SBOM) and keep a close eye on third-party dependencies.

Snyk has enhanced our support for SBOMs with new capabilities that support both producing and consuming SBOMs. Our features now allow users to casually start learning and engaging with SBOMs, generate an SBOM through our API and CLI and more.

Watch Recording

Watch this democast where two Snyk Security Experts go over:

    • What the current State of Supply Chain Security is and current SBOM needs
    • How to use Snyk's SBOM Checker to verify other software being used is safe
    • How to leverage Snyk's SBOM Integration with Bomber (Open Source SBOM Scanning project)


Jason Lane

Product Marketing Director | Snyk

Max Combüchen

Senior Software Engineer | Snyk

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