Expert Insights for Tackling Software Supply Chain Security in 2023

The continued uptick in software supply chain attacks over the last few years -- from the nation-state attack on FireEye, one of the most respected security firms in the world, to the infamous Log4Shell, and beyond has made it a hot topic, and its moving quickly. Several experts came together on The Secure Developer, a podcast powered by Snyk, to dive deeper into supply chain security. 

In this whitepaper, we will examine some of the major themes from the podcast, giving security professionals and developers a way forward in the often-confusing and intimidating space.

Download today to learn more about:

  • Software supply chain security essentials: what is it and why is it so important?
  • Must-know industry players and initiatives
  • Tackling supply chain security as an organization
  • The future of supply chain security

Download the Whitepaper

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